24-hour nursing care with a private nurse

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24-hour care in the home can be a good alternative to hospice. There are many options for 24-hour care and home hospice with a private nurse, and the process is always adapted to the individual patient.

24-hour care in own home with private nurses

For example, if you are in pain and bedridden, staying in your own home can be difficult. Here, a private nurse can provide 24-hour personal care and pain relief to make it possible. Here you can read more about 24-hour home care, how it can be organized, and which patient groups may have special needs for 24-hour care.

What is private 24-hour home care?

24-hour care is – as the word indicates – when a patient has a nursing team assigned 24 hours a day. This can be for shorter or longer periods depending on the needs.

Ved at have privat sygeplejersker tilknyttet i døgnpleje, kan vi effektivt opspore behov for medicin og smertelindring, personlig pleje, ernæring og mange andre faktorer. This will improve the situation and quality of life for the patient, who will experience immediate help at all hours of the day.

24-hour nursing care in your own home with Privat Sygeplejerske ApS is provided with care, presence, and effective and professional nursing care. The patient’s well-being is at the centre.

Who may need 24-hour care?

Private 24-hour care is typically provided to three types of patients:

24-hour care and relatives

For relatives, 24-hour care can help relieve worry and stress when nurses take over the care. When the patient receives the right care, the relatives can concentrate on their relationship as, for example, spouse, child, grandchild, or friend of the patient. De kan lægge nogle af deres bekymringer fra sig, og fokusere på relationen.

In our experience, relatives often have many questions that we can help clarify. We experience being sparring partners around difficult decisions that can arise the last time.

We help with 24-hour care for palliative or terminal patients

Many patient want to live out their final days in their own homes. If terminal care is needed, a team of private nurses in North Zealand, Funen, or Jutland can be brought in to keep the dying person as pain-free and well adjusted as possible.

We have undergone several palliative processes where patients have wished to pass away in their own homes. Often the main need has been to be pain-free and to be able to have contact with relatives during the final time. Palliative patients will be turned around to avoid bedsores and receive thorough care and medication. We can create peaceful and calm processes where the patient’s well-being has been at the centre, so they could say goodbye as they wished.

Som pårørende er det naturligvis en vanskelig situation at stå i, og ofte er der mange ting at tage stilling til. We can help through conversation and sparring, guiding relatives through some of the tasks and decisions they face.

We offer 24-hour care for people with dementia

With 24-hour dementia care, we can provide safe, routine days at the patient’s pace. We are present at all times, and can therefore prevent unintentional actions in everyday life that can make the patient uncomfortable.

We can also involve the patient in everyday tasks so that they feel part of everyday life and maintain their functions. This could be cooking, washing clothes, doing the dishes, etc. We can also read aloud, sing songs, take walks or go on other outings that the patient enjoys. Always focusing on the patient’s condition and mood, so that there are no major fluctuations.

A private nurse can also be a link in conversations with relatives who may be struggling with the situation.

How can 24-hour care in the home be organized?

Home care is always organized with the patient at the center, as knowing the patient’s needs and wishes is essential to our nursing care.

When a patient needs a nurse present 24 hours a day, we deploy a team of six to seven private nurses from North Zealand, Funen or Jutland. All private nurses are well versed in the situation and get to know the patient well. They also make sure that they are updated on the patient’s progress. During the process, the patient will usually see two nurses per day, working 12-hour shifts. Sometimes there will be triple shifts.

Continuity and good handover are important to us. Therefore, we are always careful with documentation and handover from one colleague to another. When everyone is well informed, it takes the pressure off patients and relatives, and we can provide better care when they are safe and comfortable.

Supplement to other forms of care

Our private nurses work well with other agencies such as home care, general practitioners, hospitals, etc. Therefore, a private nurse can also intervene during times when the patient doesn’t have public home assistance or between admissions. In this way, the patient is assured of effective 24-hour care in their own home, and we can assist with the various appointments the patient has with doctors, hospitals, etc.

It is also relevant if you want to stay in your own home but have difficulty with daily tasks. We can help with shopping, cooking, walking the dog, bathing, toilet visits, personal care, and much more.

We ensure continuous care when you choose 24-hour care.

24-hour care involves support and help 24 hours a day.

24-hour care can help you have a stable everyday life with peace and security.

We help with personal care and everyday activities through 24-hour care.

With 24-hour care, you ensure professional care and observation.

Our nurses can help with medication management in 24-hour care.

24-hour care can create security for your relatives.

24-hour care can be an ideal solution for elderly and physically impaired people.

Retraining and rehabilitation can be part of 24-hour care.

24-hour care involves close communication with you and your relatives.

We can prevent complications and illness when you choose 24-hour care.

24-hour care allows you to stay in your own home for a longer period.

Do you want to know more about 24-hour care with Privat Sygeplejerske ApS?

If you have any questions or would like to know more about what Privat Sygeplejerske ApS can do for you in your particular situation, please feel free to contact us. Through a no-obligation conversation, we can track down the needs in your situation and how we can best assist.

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